Five years ago, I would have given anything to have what I have now. But at that time, my life felt empty – I was an empty vessel with a singular focus on finding love. I blame my mother for constantly reminding me that I needed to marry before I turned 30, poisoning my mind and pressuring me to find a suitable husband.

During my mid-20s, I watched as my friends fell in love, got engaged, and started their new lives together, while I felt like I was missing out on everything. My mother’s voice was constantly in my head, telling me to leave everything else aside and focus on finding a husband. I was conditioned to believe that this was the only goal worth striving for.

As a result, I found myself sinking into a deep depression. I felt like I was constantly haunted by “what if” scenarios, and I spent countless hours on Facebook, scrolling through pictures of happy couples and crying myself to sleep at night. I was desperate, and my desperation led me down a path of failed relationships with men who were not right for me.

Eventually, I decided to take control of my life and raise my standards. I stopped thinking with my heart and my hormones, and started using my brain to make better decisions. I focused on building my career, and slowly but surely, I began to shed my desperation.

And then, fate stepped in. I met the man of my dreams, and we got married when I was 28. It all felt like it was meant to be, and I knew that all of the failed relationships and heartache had led me to this moment.

Looking back, I regret that I missed out on one of the greatest achievements of my life – graduating from college. I blame my mother for not encouraging me to further my education. But I know that it’s never too late, and I can still pursue my dreams and achieve my goals.

In the end, I’ve learned that life is unpredictable, and sometimes the things we think we want the most are not really what we need. It’s important to focus on building a life that is fulfilling and meaningful, rather than simply chasing after a singular goal. And if we’re patient and open to the possibilities that life presents, we may find that our dreams come true in unexpected and wonderful ways.

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